Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Teaching Philosophy, Theories, And Pedagogies Work For...

Course Question Paper- â€Å"In light of what we know about how people learn, how shall we best teach?† Cindy Vang Concordia University, St. Paul, ED514.671 Professor Chuck McGill December 12, 2016 There is not a single â€Å"correct† way to teach, but the best way to teach is to discover what teaching philosophy, theories, and pedagogies work for your teaching style. â€Å"The best way to teach† is unique to each individual teacher. Even so, there are some aspects of teaching that are important to being an effective teacher. Some of the facets I will be discussing include understanding the Concordia University Educator as Professional Decision Maker, Reflective†¨Practitioner, and Adaptive Expert conceptual framework, learning theories to consider, and effective classroom practices. Concordia University’s (2015) mission for the Department of Graduate Teacher Education is to â€Å"prepar[e] professionals at the advanced/graduate level to be decision makers, reflective practitioners, and adaptive experts for teaching, research, and leadership in diverse and global educational communities† (p. 2). In order to achieve this mission, Concordia University will provide students with a broad, liberal arts education. The purpose of this is to help expose and expand their knowledge of a variety of topics. The overall experience and knowledge gained from Concordia University will prepare graduates with essential skills to help them succeed in the workforce. Concordia University’sShow MoreRelatedTeaching As A Brilliant Lesson Essay812 Words   |  4 PagesIn the past I thought that ‘teaching’ a brilliant lesson would help students to learn, but I have gradually realised that didactic teaching has little or no impact on the majority of our s tudents. 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